Friday, November 12, 2010

The new interface Adsense Adsense v3

Try the new AdSense interface beta

  1. Overview
  2. Payments
  3. Messages
  4. Account Settings
  5. Resources
  6. My Ads
  7. List of permitted and prohibited advertisements
  8. Performance reports
  9. /Alerts / messages
  10. Earnings estimates
  11. Summary of Performance
  12. Estimated profits
  13. Quick Reports
  14. Saved Reports

  1. Ad units
  2. Search boxes
  3. Custom Channels
  4. Find the ad units
  5. Created ad units

  1.  Ad Review Center

  1. Custom Channels
  2. url Channels url
  3. Products
  4. Sites
Method of change of the interface on the new language in your language to English and started to get in the top right of the screen when you log off place:


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